Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:
To see if the Town will vote to extend the life of the Election Modernization Committee, change its structure, objectives, or membership; or take any action related thereto.
Requested by:
(Inserted by the Select Board and at the request of the Election Modernization Committee)

*This articles returns to the Warrant from the 2020 Annual Town Meeting. 

 The Select Board urges Town Meeting’s positive action on this straightforward vote to extend the life of the Election Modernization Committee to further study and recommend additional measures to improve elections in Arlington as appropriate. The reforms presented under this motion include offering all Committee members voting privileges, adding flexibility to appointing authorities, and providing a seat on the Committee for a member of the League of Women Voters and a Town resident under the age of 25.  

Vote Language:

That Town Meeting hereby amends its vote on Article 36 of the 2019 Town Meeting, wherein the “Election Modernization Study Committee” was formed, by renaming the committee to the “Election Modernization Committee" and by extending the date of the Committee’s dissolution to the close of the 2022 Annual Town Meeting.

Further, the committee membership shall be changed to consist of the following fifteen (15) members, all of whom shall be voting members:

• The Town Clerk or their designee;
• One member of the Board of Registrars or their designee, as determined by such Board;
• One member of the Select Board or their designee, as determined by such Board;
• The Town Moderator or their designee;
• One member of the School Committee or their designee, as determined by the Committee;
• One member of the Disability Commission or their designee as determined by the Commission;
• One representative of the Republican Town Committee;
• One representative of the Democratic Town Committee;
• Five residents to be appointed by the Town Moderator;
• One member of the Arlington League of Women Voters or their designee, as determined by that organization;
• One resident under the age of 25 to be appointed by the Select Board.”

A majority of the members of the Election Modernization Committee shall constitute a quorum.

(5 – 0)


Select Board Report

Election Modernization Committee Report