8:30 p.m. |
The Economic Analysis of Industrial Zoning Districts looks to create opportunities for the Town to realize greater revenue in the industrially-zoned areas of Arlington by making strategic zoning amendments to incentivize new growth. The Zoning Bylaw Working Group, DPCD, and consultants RKG Associates and Harriman considered community goals and various development scenarios in order to inform zoning recommendations and possible amendments to well-position Arlington in the regional industrial and commercial marketplace. This presentation will be made during the Arlington Redevelopment Board's December 21st meeting with time for public comment, input, and dialogue following the presentation. Project information, including draft zoning, may be found on the ZBWG’s website: https://www.arlingtonma.gov/town-governance/boards-and-committees/master-plan-implementation-committee/zoning-bylaw-working-group.
Representatives from RKG Associates and Harriman and the Department of Planning and Community Development will make a presentation and facilitate a discussion with the Board and participants about the final report and recommendations.