Report Excerpt:Apartment conversion is a use listed in the Table of Uses, but has no definition associated with it, although there are standards listed in the Table of Uses: “Conversion to apartments, up to 18 units per acre, with no alteration to the exterior of the building.” Apartment conversion is allowed with a Special Permit in the R4 and R5 districts and the B1 district. The Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations also provides specific regulations.
Apartment conversions are referenced in the description of the R4 Townhouse District. Section 5.4.1.B(1) notes that “the predominant uses in the R4 district are one- and two-family dwellings in large, older houses. Conversions of these old homes to apartments or offices are allowed to encourage their preservation.” The description of the B1 Neighborhood Office District also references the predominant uses as one- and two-family dwellings.
The ARB believes that defining “apartment conversion” brings clarity to the term that is used in various locations in the Zoning Bylaw. It does not alter the substance of the Bylaw.