Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:
To see if the Town will vote to make additions, deletions and/or modifications to the Classification and Pay Plan, appropriate a sum of money to fund same if necessary, determine how the money will be raised and expended; or take any action related thereto.
Requested by:
 (Inserted at the request of the Town Manager and the Director of Human Resources) 
Vote Language:

That the Classification Plan, as established by Title 1, Article 6, Section 1, Schedule A of the By-Laws, be and hereby is amended as follows:  


1. By reclassifying the following positions:  


A. Benefits Attorney/Worker’s Compensation Agent M3 to M2 FTE 1



B. Coordinator of Diversity Equity and Inclusion MTP8 to MTP9 FTE 1

Department of Health and Human Services


C. Assistant Town Manager – M1 to M3


Town Manager


D. Office Manager – HHS – OA6 to ATP4

FTE 1 $734

Department of Health and Human Services


E. Office Manager – Library OA6 to ATP4

FTE 1 $9,968



F. Director of Health and Human Services M1 to M2

FTE 1 $13,726

Department of Health and Human Services 


G. Director of Public Health MTP11 to MTP13

FTE 1 $14,259

Department of Health and Human Services


H. Senior Clerk and Typist – Town Clerk OA2 to OA3

FTE 1 $10,677

Town Clerk


I. Animal Control Officer ATP3 to ATP4

FTE 1 $7,477



J. Head of Circulation ATP4 to ATP6

FTE 1 $6,613



K. Administrative Assistant – Facilities ATP6 to ATP4




Total $63,454 


And to fund the $63,454 appropriation as indicated above, said sum to be raised by general tax and included in the budgets of the departments affected. 


2. By adding the following positions:  


A. Deputy Town Counsel/Worker’s Compensation Agent M2



B. Director of Diversity Equity and Inclusion MTP9

Department of Health and Human Services


C. Deputy Town Manager –Finance M3

Town Manager


D. Deputy Town Manager – Operations M3

Town Manager


E. Chief Information Officer M3

Information Technology


F. School Sustainability Coordinator MTP 4

Public Works


G. DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) Assistant – OA5 Department of Health and Human Services


H. Principal Clerk – Town Clerk OA3

Town Clerk


3. By deleting the following positions:


A. Benefits Attorney/Worker’s Compensation Agent M3



B. Coordinator of Diversity Equity and Inclusion MTP8

Health and Human Services


C. Deputy Town Manager M3

Town Manager


D. Assistant Town Manager M1

Town Manager


E. Chief Technology Officer M3

Information Technology


F. Senior Clerk and Typist – Town Clerk OA2

Town Clerk  


Additional Materials:
Finance Committee Report
DescriptionTypeFile Name
Pay and Classification PlanReference Material FY21_Class_and_Pay_Plan_v_Oct_2020.pdf