Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:

To see if the Town will vote to fund any fiscal items in the event that any are contained in collective bargaining agreements between the Town and the following named collective bargaining units, and to fund for non-union, M Schedule, and elected officials’ salaries or fringe benefits, determine how the money shall be raised and expended; or take any action related thereto:

A. Local 680, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees;

B. Service Employees International Union;

C. Robbins Library Professional Association;

D. Local 1297, International Association of Firefighters;

E. Arlington Police Patrol Officers’ Association (formerly Arlington Patrolmen’s Association);

F. Arlington Ranking Police Officers’ Association;

G. M Schedule and non-union employees; and

H. Full-time elected officials

Requested by:
 (Inserted at the request of the Town Manager) 
Report Excerpt:
Negotiations are still in process with several Town unions. If a settlement is achieved before the end of Town Meeting, the Finance Committee will bring that settlement before the meeting.  
Vote Language:

That the same of $671,485 is hereby appropriated, to be set aside for funding future collective bargaining agreements, said sum to be raised by general taxes and said sum shall not be expended without a future vote of Town Meeting.