Vote Language:(1) That the sum of $229,792,084 is hereby transferred from amounts previously appropriated and borrowed under the following warrant articles and for the purposes set forth below:
which amounts are no longer needed to complete the projects for which they were initially borrowed, to pay costs of the following:
as permitted by Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws.
(2) That the sum of $3,959,297 be and hereby is appropriated for various capital projects and equipment as shown below, and expended under the direction of the Town Manager, $3,209,297 of said sum to be raised by general tax and $750,000 from the Sale of Assets:
(3) That the sum of $15,752,873 be and hereby is appropriated for debt service of the Town, and expended under the direction of the Town Manager, $14,864,700 of said sum to be raised by general tax and $97,095 from the Ambulance Fund, $206,268 from the Antenna Fund, $45,744 from the Urban Renewal Fund, and $539,066 from capital carryforwards for a total of $888,173 to be raised by transfers and capital carryforwards:
(4) That the various capital projects and equipment purchases shown below shall be undertaken and financed by grants or other funds as shown below, such grants to be expended under the direction of the Town Manager.
(5) That the sum of $790,000 be and hereby is appropriated for extraordinary repairs to public facilities, acquisition of land and the purchase and installation of equipment and for costs incidental and related thereto as follows:
and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, is hereby authorized to borrow not exceeding the sum of $790,000 under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44 (requires a 2/3 vote), and any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, said sum to be expended under the direction of the Town Manager.
(6) That the Town Manager is authorized and directed to apply for and accept any further federal, state or other grants that may be available for any one or more of the foregoing projects and equipment.
(7) Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that monies are not expended for the purposes delineated above, then the Comptroller is authorized and directed not to transfer these excess funds to available funds, but said funds shall remain and be accounted for in the warrant article pending further vote of the Town Meeting, except as otherwise provided by law, and,
(8) That any amounts appropriated under Sections (3 or 5) above for a particular purpose under a specified section of Chapter 44 and not needed for such purpose may be expended by the Town Manager, with the approval of the Capital Planning Committee, for any other purpose listed in Sections (3 or 5) above under the same section of Chapter 44.
(9) That any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote, less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws, thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount.