Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:
To see if the Town will vote to urge the Arlington Historic Districts Commission to allow installation in the Historic Districts of any solar panel, heat pump, or other energy-efficient technology that does not cause irreversible changes to historic features or materials; or to take any action related thereto.
Requested by:
(Inserted at the request of Susan R. Doctrow and ten registered voters) 
Report Excerpt:

The Select Board invites support for this non-binding resolution of encouragement to the Arlington Historic District Commissions (“AHDC”) to aid in promoting installation of clean energy technologies like solar panels and heat pumps on, or appurtenant to historic homes of Arlington so long as underlying historic resources are not irreversibly damaged or changed. Consistent with our vote and recommendation on a Declaration of a Climate Emergency, the Select Board encourages every Town board, body and commission to identify ways in which it can promote clean energy technologies that reduce the Town’s carbon footprint.


The Select Board stresses that it well understands the AHDC is charged with the frequently difficult task of balancing historic preservation interests against other compelling interests. There are limits under both c. 40C and the Town’s Bylaws to the Commissions’ ability to broadly exempt clean energy technology from review. Further, the Board appreciates the AHDC’s work with applicants on this subject to date, including its application of Design Guidelines specifically for solar panel projects. Indeed, at hearing this Board observed a mutual recognition between AHDC members and representatives from Sustainable Arlington of the substantial efforts made by all interested parties to work on these issues. The Select Board believes this article to be a good faith effort to express support for affording clean technologies flexibility within the AHDC’s standards and processes, and joins in same. 

Vote Language:

That Town Meeting hereby resolves as follows:


WHEREAS, the urgency of the climate crisis dictates that the Town of Arlington and its residents share responsibility for identifying and implementing means of incorporating renewable and/or clean energy technologies into Arlington homes; and


WHEREAS, consistent with its identity as a “green community,” the Town has set a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 (“net-zero”); and


WHEREAS, preservation of Arlington’s rich historic architecture is governed by the Arlington Historic Districts Commissions (“AHDC”), which is charged under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40C and Town Bylaws, Title VII with reviewing architectural appropriateness of most proposed exterior design changes in historic districts, including solar panels, and certain heat pump and other HVAC system structures are of; and


WHEREAS, Chapter 40C does not permit the Town of Arlington to exempt such structures and alterations from AHDC review;


BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Town Meeting respectfully encourages the AHDC to afford as much flexibility as possible to applications for solar and other exterior clean energy installations in Arlington Historic District homes and to allow installation of such technologies in any instance where such installations do not result in irreversible changes to historic features or materials.


(5 – 0)

Additional Materials:
Select Board Report