Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:
To see if the Town will vote to endorse a resolution in support of directing at least one member of each Town government initiated citizen committee to have formal training or certification as a “Facilitator” in order to help ensure that the committee is a place where all members are respected, allowed to speak, are not intimidated and that agendas are developed that lead to productive outcomes or to reassess the productivity and purpose of every committee at least once every five years to re-authorize the committee’s purpose and continuity; or limit the number of Town government-initiated committees to no more than seven per year; or take any action related thereto.
Requested by:
(Inserted at the request of Barbara Thornton and ten registered voters) 
Report Excerpt:
The Select Board recognizes the issues highlighted by the proponent and respects the desire to provide training and resources to boards and commissions where needed. However, Town Meeting has no authority to require any public body engage in such programs. Moreover, it would seem more appropriate to evaluate the need for such resources on a case-by-case basis and then work with relevant town or school departments and support staff to identify available training opportunities tailored to specific circumstances.
Vote Language:

That no action be taken or Article 83.


(4 – 1) Mr. Diggins voted in the negative.

Additional Materials:
Select Board Report