Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:
Be it hereby resolved, that this is the will of Town Meeting that the Town of Arlington should implement, along with adequate funding, a comprehensive program to install electric vehicle charging stations throughout the Town starting with East Arlington where none have been installed to date; or take any action related thereto.
Requested by:
(Inserted at the request of Silvia Dominguez and ten registered voters) 
Report Excerpt:

Consistent with many of the other resolutions of this Town Meeting, the Declaration of a Climate Emergency, the Town Manager’s “Net Zero” goals, and the ongoing efforts of the Clean Energy Future Committee and other Town boards and commissions, the Select Board unanimously recommends positive action on this Town Meeting resolution to expand the electric vehicle infrastructure throughout Arlington. The Town is already a leader in providing public electric vehicle charging stations at a variety of locations such as the Gibbs School and Town Hall. However, the growing number of electric vehicles and the Town’s commitment to carbon neutrality merit further development and planning for stations distributed in an equitable way throughout the Arlington.


While the resolution is non-binding, cultivating the momentum of Town Meeting’s support is valuable for seeking both internal and external resources and financial planning. It should however be understood that such plans must of course exist within the restraints of the Capital Budget and availability of funds.

Vote Language:

That Town Meeting hereby resolves as follows:


WHEREAS, the urgency of the climate crisis dictates that the Town of Arlington and its residents share responsibility for identifying and implementing means of incorporating renewable and/or clean energy technologies in Arlington; and


WHEREAS, consistent with its identity as a “green community,” the Town has set a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 (“Net-Zero”); and


WHEREAS, the Town has engaged in substantial efforts to derive its energy supply from renewable energy sources within its utility portfolio;


WHEREAS, electric vehicles are increasing utilized by Town residents;


WHEREAS, the Town has been installing public e-vehicle charging stations, but there are still limited stations available;


WHEREAS, the Clean Energy Futures Committee is developing a Clean Energy Future Plan, including recommendations for “zero emissions mobility” which among other things, calls for expansion of on an off-street public electric vehicle charging infrastructure at libraries, business districts and public parking facilities;


BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Town Meeting supports broader installation of public electric vehicle charging stations throughout Arlington in a thoughtful and equitable manner with respect to location, including commitment of further Town resources towards achieving such goals; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Manager, Finance Committee, and Capital Planning Committee are encouraged to incorporate expansion of public electric vehicle infrastructure in future Town budgets subject to budgetary considerations and the availability of both Town funds and outside funding sources such as public and private grants.



Additional Materials:
Select Board Report