Vote Language:That the Zoning Bylaw be and hereby is amended as follows:
Amend Section 5.6.2:
5.6.2(D)(1) Development Standards, Renewable Energy Installations
D. Development Standards. In the Industrial District, the following requirements apply to all new development or additions over 50% of the existing footprint:
(1) Renewable Energy Installations
· The Redevelopment Board may, by special permit, allow adjustments to the height and setbacks in order to accommodate the installation of solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, living and other eco-roofs, energy storage, and air-source heat pump equipment. Such adjustments shall not create a significant detriment to abutters in terms of noise or shadow and must be appropriately integrated into the architecture of the building and the layout of the site, consistent with the other requirements of this section.
· All new commercial and mixed-use buildings subject to Environmental Design Review shall be solar ready comply with Section 6.4, Solar Energy Systems. All new commercial buildings not subject to Environmental Design Review shall be solar ready to the extent feasible.
· If not subject to Environmental Design Review, aAdditions over 50% of the footprint of existing buildings shall be solar ready to the extent feasible.
5.6.2(D)(7) Development Standards, Exceptions to Maximum Height Regulations in the Industrial District
For new development or additions that would otherwise be subject to Section 5.3.19, heights over 39 feet or three stories are allowed subject to the following development standards:
· Demonstrate that new buildings or additions shall allow for full sun at least half the time or 50% sun coverage all the time on March 21, June 21, September 21, and December 21 on the lots within the required residential buffer as defined in Section 5.3.19. The Redevelopment Board or Board of Appeals, as applicable, shall find that any shadow on abutters with existing solar panels would be negligible to allow the higher height limit.
· Provide one (1) of the following sustainable roof infrastructure components. Projects requiring Environmental Design Review are subject to section 6.4, Solar Energy Systems, and must therefore provide one additional component. In the case of a building that is solar ready per Section 5.6.2.D(1), the component should cover the remaining roof area where appropriate:
o Install a vegetated or green roof over 50% of the roof area, or the portion of the roof without a solar energy system, whichever is less.
o Use diffuse, highly reflective materials on 75% a significant proportion of the roof area that does not include solar.
o For projects not subject to Environmental Design Review, Iinstall solar energy panels tied to the electrical system of the building. For new commercial or mixed-use buildings, provide solar PV and/or solar thermal on a minimum of 50 percent of the roof area.
o Provide 100% highly reflective concrete topping on a significant portion of the roof area without a solar energy system.
o Install a blue roof on a significant portion of the roof area without a solar energy system over 50% of the roof area to provide initial temporary water storage and then gradual release of stored water.
o Retain and treat 100% of stormwater on site.