Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Article 46
Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:

To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum or sums of money to be expended under the direction of the Town Manager for the following celebrations and memorials, determine how the money shall be raised and expended; or take any action related thereto:

            Memorial Day Observation and the Patriots’ Day Celebration

            Display of American Flags on Massachusetts Avenue

            Placing of American Flags on the Graves of Veterans

            Town Day Celebration

            Veterans’ Day Parade

            250th Anniversary Celebration

Requested by:

 (Inserted at the request of the Town Manager)

Vote Language:

That the sum of $40,167 be and hereby is appropriated for the following celebrations and memorials in the amounts indicated:

A.    Patriots’ Day Celebration, Veteran’s Day Parade and the Memorial Day Observation - $5,667

B.     Display of American Flags on Massachusetts Avenue - $0

C.     Placing of American Flags on the Graves of Veterans - $4,500

D.     Town Day Celebration - $5,000

E.    250th Anniversary Celebration - $25,000


Said sums to be raised by general tax and expended under the direction of the Town Manager.

Additional Materials:
Finance Committee Report