| | | | | | | | Town of Arlington, Massachusetts
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Article 51 | | | |
| | | | | | | | Warrant Article Text:To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to implement the provisions of Chapter 32 of Massachusetts General Laws Section 90A, 90C, 90D and 90E, pursuant to which the Town pays up to fifty percent of the maximum salary as set forth in the Compensation and Pay Plan for the position formerly held by retired employees with twenty-five or more years of service to the Town and those employees who retired under an Accidental Disability; provided, however, that no one who retires after May 1, 2010 shall be eligible under this vote unless they qualify for at least a fifty percent pension, without this vote upon their retirement; this adjustment to be paid to those who qualify and administered in accordance with prior practice and understanding relating to the retirement allowance of said retirees; determine how the money shall be raised and expended; or take any action related thereto. | | | |
| | | | | | | | Requested by:(Inserted at the request of the Contributory Retirement Board) | | | |
| | | | | | | | Report Excerpt:
This vote, which is required annually, allows the Retirement Board to ensure that retired employees will not drop below 50% of the current salary of the position they held as an active Town employee. An amount of $0 is voted so that funds may be expended under this article from available sources without further appropriation. | | | |
| | | | | | | | Vote Language: That the sum of $0 be and hereby is appropriated to implement the provisions of Chapter 32 of Massachusetts General Laws Section 90A, 90C, 90D and 90E, pursuant to which the Town pays up to fifty percent of the maximum salary as set forth in the Compensation and Pay Plan for the position formerly held by retired employees with twenty-five or more years of service to the Town and those employees who retired under an Accidental Disability; provided, however, that no one who retires after May 1, 2010 shall be eligible under this vote unless they qualify for at least a fifty percent pension, without this vote, upon their retirement. This adjustment to be paid to those who qualify and administered in accordance with prior practice and understanding relating to the retirement allowance of said retirees; said sum to be expended under the direction of the Retirement Board. | | | |