Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Article 56
Warrant Article Title:
Warrant Article Text:

To see if the Town will vote to subsidize the collection of compost for Arlington eating establishments situated along Massachusetts Avenue with compost collection carried out by the Town or through partnership(s) with private composting organizations; or take any action related thereto.

Requested by:

(Inserted at the request of Alexandra Lay and ten registered voters)

Report Excerpt:
Solid waste collection and disposal costs are a looming financial crisis for the Town. The Finance Committee encourages initiatives that may help alleviate this increasing burden. To that end, the Finance Committee recommends favorable action on this Article. This appropriation, however, is conditional on the funds be expended under the direction of the Town Manager, that this one-year pilot program be approved by and coordinated in conjunction with the Director of Public Works, that metrics be developed to assess the efficacy of the program, and that a report be presented to the Finance Committee at the end of the pilot.
Vote Language:
That the sum of $5,000 be and hereby is appropriated for the purpose of the establishment of a pilot compost collection program. Said sum to be raised by the general taxes and expended under the direction of the Town Manager.