Item Coversheet

Town of Arlington, Massachusetts

Warrant Article Title:
Amendment to Arlington Redevelopment Board's recommended vote under Article 2

I move that there be inserted in Section B (1), after the first sentence thereof, the following new sentence "Nor shall they be permitted within 500 feet of any pre-existing day care facility, or the office of a pediatrician." so that said section will read as follows:

"Pursuant to 935 CMR 500.110. Marijuana Establishments shall not be permitted within 500 feet of a pre-existing public or private school providing education in kindergarten or in any of grades one through 12.  Nor shall they be permitted within 500 feet of any pre-existing day care facility or office of a pediatrician.  This standard also applies to Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers not already permitted by the date of this bylaw."

Requested by:
Requested by John L. Worden,III, Town Meeting Member, Pct.8