Arlington Conservation Commission

Date: Thursday, February 6, 2020 
Time: 7:30 PM 
Town Hall Annex, Second Floor Conference Room



a.Review draft 01/16/2020 minutes
b.Review MACC Annual Conference workshop offerings. The conference is scheduled for Saturday, 02/29/2020.
a.Updates on project statuses 
b.Updates on committees and working groups, including: Water Bodies, Open Space, Reservoir, Spy Pond, Community Preservation Act Committee, Zoning Bylaw, Public Lands Maintenance, Land Stewards
Request for Determination of Applicability

Arlington High School, 869 Massachusetts Ave 

Arlington File Number RDA #A20.1


Public hearing for a Request for Determination filed by the Town of Arlington for Phase 1 of the Arlington High School project which falls within the 100-foot Wetlands Buffer of Mill Brook and includes the relocation of the existing drainage system.

Arlington's Great Meadows Restoration Project

Discussion to determine if and how the Commission will collaborate with the Friends of Arlington's Great Meadows (FoAGM) on a meadow restoration project in the Entry Meadow section of AGM, near the Emerson Gardens Road entrance.

Prioritize Commission Goals Established at the 01/02/2020 Meeting


 Discussion to determine and prioritize actionable goals for the general goals the Commission set for 2020 during its 01/02/2020 meeting.

Arlington Regulations for Wetlands Protection Update
8:30pm-9:00pm Discuss and draft updates to Section 25: Adjacent Upland Resource Area.
9:00pm-9:30pm Discuss and draft section for Administrative Review Permits.