Arlington Conservation Commission

Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 
Time: 7:30 PM 
Conducted by Remote Participation

Please note: The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.




In accordance with the Governor's Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, § 20 relating to the COVID-19 emergency, the January 21, 2021 public meeting of the Arlington Conservation Commission shall be physically closed to the public to avoid group congregation. The meeting shall instead be held virtually using Zoom.


Topic: Conservation Commission Meeting

Time: January 21, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for this meeting: 


Members of the public are strongly encouraged to send written comment regarding any of the hearings listed below to Conservation Agent Emily Sullivan at


Please read Governor Baker's Executive Order Suspending Certain Provision of Open Meeting Law for more information regarding virtual public hearings and meetings: 2020/download

b.Review draft 01/07/2020 minutes.
c.Updates: Community Preservation Act, Water Bodies Working Group
d.Review 2020 goals and determine 2021 goals. 
e.Review and discuss Arlington Land Trust's independent climate change resiliency report on the Thorndike Place Proposal.

Regulations Update: 

Section 31: Climate Change Resilience

Section 23: Floodplain

Request for Minor Plan Amendment

Request for Minor Plan Amendment:49 Spy Pond Lane (previously 47 Spy Pond Lane Lot 1/A)

MassDEP File #091-0318


This minor plan modification requests installing a porous paver patio and wall behind 49 Spy Pond Lane. The proposed patio is in line with the approved porch, and would not extend beyond the porch.


Notice of Intent

Deliberation: Notice of Intent: Arlington Reservoir Master Plan Phase 2, 210 Lowell Street

Continued Hearing 

MassDEP File #091-0327


This project consists of the second phase of implementation of the Arlington Reservoir Master Plan and includes the following activities: parking area and stormwater improvements; improvements to existing pathways to make them accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); renovation and addition of new recreational facilities; shoreline bank stabilization; and upland habitat restoration and invasive species removal. Proposed project work is within the 100-ft Wetlands Buffer and Inland Bank area of the Arlington Reservoir. This project was presented to the Commission at its 12/17/2020 and 01/07/2021 meetings.